Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

The Great Debate: Brand Journalism vs. Content Marketing

The ‘we’ I refer to above are from two culturally opposed disciplines, journalism and marketing. These worlds have slowly transformed, and continue to do so due to media convergence, citizen publishing, social media – even blurred jurisdictional boundaries. It’s an all-out morphing sensation.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

Brand vs. Company Purpose - What's The Difference?

Put simply, purpose can be interpreted in two ways - either to represent the underlying motive behind why a brand sells its products and services, or it can be the platform that articulates why the organisation exists in the world.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

Brands With Purpose Are Trusted More: Here’s Why

With deepening inequities across the world - (healthcare, education, climate change, racial equality) there’s an increasing urgency for these issues to be addressed. Businesses are now expected to fill the void left by the government.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

3 Steps To Measuring Purpose At Work

In general, established or traditional accounting practices records the costs, incomes, assets and liabilities of the company - as well as the costs of the resources a company employs, and the earnings it derives from them. As a result, current accounting methods do not provide all the information that is relevant to promoting responsible, purposeful business practices.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

How To Create A Framework For Purpose In 5-Steps

Purpose needs to be both emotional and rational and needs to resonate with all members of your organisation - this consistency ultimately drives decision making at all levels, create a values based culture and enables the company to endure changes that may arise both internally and externally in the passage of time.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

Purpose: The Day 200 CEOs Changed History

On August 19, 2019, around 200 CEOs attended the Business Roundtable in The United States and changed the past 50 years of corporate history to redefine the 'purpose of a corporation'.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

Purpose and Profit: What Companies Are Getting It Right?

By clearly setting expectations and how this translates for employees roles and responsibilities, purpose is driven through the organisation by the perceptions of professionals and middle management - and systematically have higher future accounting and stock market performance, even after controlling for current performance.

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Katrina Savell Katrina Savell

The 4-Steps To Finding Your Purpose

From experience, purpose can mean different things to different people. And likewise, purpose can mean different things to different companies. Just the mention of the word can inspire and intrigue some, and for others lead to eye rolling and a healthy dose of scepticsm.

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